An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Under the Weather...


Another horrendous night, not being sick thankfully, but of coughing, sneezing (neither being great when your torso muscles are agony from the previous night's heaving!) nose constantly running and the feeling of two drills burrowing into your temples and meeting somewhere behind your eyes.  It even hurts when I blink!    Oh and then there's the aching bones from head to toe and the shivers one minute and sweats the next and the raw nose from being blown approx every 10 seconds.  And the awful, heavy tiredness that makes me feel about 110 years old.

If I ever wondered what the difference is between a cold and the flu, I need never wonder again.  And I'll never again moan about a pesky little cold either.  (Well I probably will, but hey, I'm only human)

David worked from home today, thank heavens.  He's been a star looking after me.   Hoping I don't pass this on to him or Alan.

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