Today is a new day...

By Quaver

Sandy Beach

We have had another full day. We headed out to Port Ellen and left the motorhome there and cycled to Ardbeg. It was sooo busy. We eventually had lunch and then cycled further on to Kildalton Cross, one of the oldest Christian crosses in existance and in great condition.

An enterprising local had set up a wee picnic table with 'Cakes at the Cross', with thermos jugs of tea and coffee and a cool box with cakes and milk and an honesty box. I like that sort of thing!

We cycled further on (new territory for us all) and came to Aros Bay, Claggain Bay and then Ardtalla which was idyllic! We sat on the beach watching a family of seals playing around in the clear shallow water. Definitely a beach to be revisited.

We cycled back to Port Ellen with the wind in our faces and after a cup of tea and something to eat, we headed back to Port Charlotte just in time to see the sky turn all sorts of pastel shades.


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