But is it Art?

Today I went into Skibbereen and visited the contraversial new art gallery - Uillinn. Contraversial because the very modern exterior (like a west Cork barn apparently) is quite a fierce contrast to the low level brightly coloured traditional houses in the town. Inside it's white - two galleries, one massive tall white space, one more traditional white cube. In the tall massive white space was a rather disturbing sculpture of two little boys and on the massive white walls were arranged, quite high up, five grey flower pots. On the floor near the door was  an unfired clay box full of unfired clay egg boxes. At first I wasn't sure whether it was art or left by workemen. A polite notice requesting not to touch informed it had to be art. Upstairs was a bit better. I did quite like this exhibtion 'Disconnect' - layers upon layers and odd views and angles depending on where you were standing. The dark objects are made from charred wood, behind them is a transluscent convex mirror and behind that is a quilt and a huge red skirt. I was rather impressed with the shadowy bloke actually reading the bumff. I didn't even see any bumff. Perhaps I should have read it, this is what the first installation is about:
The charred, barren and devastated aspect of the elements placed at the threshold to Galley II and in front of a two-way mirror, in which we can glimpse ourselves as we move through the gallery, examines the relationship between the confines of everyday life; the ‘invisible’ conditioning, boundaries and adopted pervasive perspectives that society, our thoughts and beliefs place on us, and the possibilities of true freedom through moments of detached awareness of being.

Back in the town, I thought this window, with Tallulah rather sulkily contemplating the possibilites of true freedom through moments of detached awareness from the window of a B&B , might have also found a space in the exhibtion.

Antrum & Disconnect - should you want to know what it's all means.

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