Robert Ostrochovsky

By youoregon1

Looking Down Gets You Looking Up

Reservoir at Mt. Tabor in Portland.
I was convinced that these stairs would be the happening thing, but the reflection in the reservoir water, and the wide effect pushed my camera buttons.

Thanks to hobbs for running the Wide Angle Wednesday, 'Looking Up' edition. Add widwed07 to your tags for this week, and to find the others.

Tomorrow is SoapboxThursday hosted by me. 
If you have any feelings about how the world could be a nicer place, a more beautiful place, or maybe we could just do something better or without, your blip input would be most welcome. And of course going there in a reserved and rant-less nature is the the only real parameter. Short and sweet can be pretty palatable. Add ST01
Greg and I have taken this to a new level, before we have even started. Down there for added thought.

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