
Today's the day ......................... to choose a name

Such fun - we were looking after Dominic today!

Of course, he's still so tiny that all he really needs is some milk and the occasional nappy change - but I did take him for his first walk in the baby sling.  I think we're so lucky to live close enough to be able to see him often and to share in these first precious weeks.

Will's been thinking long and hard about what he wants to be called as a grandparent.  He doesn't really identify with names like Grandad or Grandpa because, of course, he's Welsh - and proud of it.  They have a whole different set of names for grandparents there.  He's decided that he would like the name Taid '(pronounced 'tied' ) - and that's what he was explaining to Dominic here.

You can see that Dominic gave it some thought - and then was happy to agree ........................

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