A High Jack

Once upon a time dear Blippers, in my extreme youth it was possible to walk the length of Princes Street on a Saturday morning, meet familiar faces, pass the time of day and feel part of a small friendly community.
Now with Edinburgh being a cosmopolitan metropolis, it is entirely possible to saunter forth for a day and see not one well kent face or in fact hear much English spoken.

Of course it may be that we pass people we should know but whose looks have become unrecognisable through the passage of years, and so it was really pleasing on our outing in the sun today to bump into three people from our recent past and catch up on their news.

It was also fortuitous that as we passed the newest shop on the block in Bruntsfield, there was an official photoshoot for me to high jack- Cuckoo, a speciality cake shop of some fame. You saw it here first.

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