Just a woman? Oh, hell no!

This morning, post tea and breakfast, was in the garden, jet washing part of what needd to be jet washed (Mr K's comment of 'is that actually cleaning it or just moving dirt around?' was not appreciated - just sayin') then I rushed to get clean and eat before going to a friends for a swap party - you gather 8 or so friends with wine and food and stuff they no longer want, in the same room, then you drink the wine, eat the food and swap the stuff. Easy peasy lemon squeezy...except the more we drink, the fewer inhibihitions we have (& some of us* don't have many to start with) the more willing we are to strip iff and try stuff on...)

'Twas fun, am drying out and feeling smug about my winnings!

Weeding tomorrow, really can't wait.

* not me, I'm like a nun, honest.

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