Spring Colors in the Scotia Pine Barrens

Our weekends have been very busy lately. As the weather has turned springlike, we've visited family, gone on our first backpacking trip, had our first wade, and begun spring clean-up in the yard.

On this particular morning, we hiked up the hill to our local gamelands, SGL 176, to visit the Scotia Pine Barrens. It's hard to believe that though it's so close to where we live, I hadn't been there since the very start of February!

We came across lots of vernal pools full of amphibian eggs, and we even heard some spring peepers calling. In this shot looking down into the gamelands, you can see the first light blush of color as buds begin to appear on the trees.

There was no way to get this shot without the power lines front and center, so there they are. And so the tune to accompany this image is a song about power: John Lennon, with Power to the People.

P.S. Here's a bonus link to more info about the Scotia Pine Barrens.

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