Arts Interval in Istanbul

Dear Reader,
Welcome to the first and probably the last issue of "Pretentious, Moi?" but really, such a day should not pass without comment. 
First the Art.
A very nice turn out for the judging and awards ceremony of the annual Demirkan Asetey Art competition this afternoon, and I have two comments to make for prosperity.  Firstly that this year two  of the three judges were 2003 graduates of the school, both now making careers in aspects of the Arts and nice to see them happy to be here and for current students to see that a career in Art does not mean poverty or a Bohemian life style while you draw nudes in an attic studio, and secondly, that two of the award winners were students from my Studio Art class :)) yay.  They were so thrilled to be acknowledged as artists  in the school community - their smiles said it all (see the 'extra' pic).  Generally, an exhibition of art excellence in our theatre gallery from a range of students and courses, which will be on exhibition until the end of May. 
2014 Demirkan Asetey competition exhibition
2013 Demirkan Asetey competition exhibition

Then the Music. 
This evening Celeste and I went to the Zorlu centre, where, after a good dinner at the franchised Jamie Oliver's Italian restaurant, we saw "Phantom of the Opera".  It was all I was expecting of a long running Broadway production - a visual feast of amazing sets and gorgeous, fantastic (literally) costumes with wonderful and polished performances of typical if rather formulaic Andrew Lloyd Webber melodies with some refreshingly sophisticated musical moments in between the hit songs and their sequences.  Touring company of singers and all Turkish orchestra performed perfectly.  A 'must see' event for all in Istanbul, an impressive show on grand scale and expertly executed in this really super theatre complex.  The word spectacle if not spectacular, comes to mind. It is what it is.  Great entertainment. 

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