What Captures My Interest

By Erikalv

Run One Way

Run One Way and that would be forward
Run despite whoever loves you or doesn't
Run through regret and guilt
Run through frustrations
Run through loneliness
Run through those blissful days
Run despite your dysfunctional family
Run through people drifting in and out of your life
Run through your own fits of self doubt
Run to be in silence
Run to be healthy and strong

and as you run re-wire your negative thoughts
replace them with the Truth
and the truth is that I am God's creation
so that makes me beautiful and loved

It's been an interesting week and I haven't been able to comment on blip as I usual do. I've been so tired and short of time and I miss commenting so I will catch up this weekend. This write up was taken from a post on my FB and I really liked it however I tweaked it to more of my liking.

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