on the geranium. A plant I have already for five or six years, a long time I thought that I had planted it on the wrong shadowy place, but this year, the flowers are abundant.and although tiny the bee found it to her taste.
In the morning I was busy in the garden, a bit higher up, planting and cleaning too (blackberry and grass).
The afternoon I spent lazily on the terrace mainly.
I am reading before sleeping time Marguerite Yourcenar's book: Souvenirs pieux. It is my first encounter with a book of this famous author, She tells the story of her life,  of her parents and of her ancestors.
I am fascinated by the details mostly, her style is wonderful and amazingly accurate, but now and then I wonder why I have to know all those minutiae.

My haiku:

From one flower to
The next, never tired it seems
The busy bee that is

And the proverb:

As busy as a hen with one chicken.

1591  W. Stepney, Span. Schoolmaster.

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