Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


A wasted day, waiting in for a delivery. Not my favourite way to spend the day, especially are there were several sunny spells which could only entice us into the front garden. Archie had a run around the back garden (sans Tinkerbelle). I did actually resort to taking him up and down our street, keeping an eye out for the delivery lorry, which eventually came late afternoon. The driver said that I should have said I wanted it in the morning... I just wanted a rough idea of when it would arrive - am or pm would have helped.

It was a huge load of coal. I seem to have hurt my back even before I started moving the 10x25kg bags! Though I did have JR to help this time. We have a rather useful coal cupboard in the hall, which fitted five bags, and the rest are in the newly tidied shed. That's us set for next winter. Or even this spring...

A bit of sunshine in the evening enticed us down to see the blossom. Archie was unimpressed. He's gazing at a dog in the distance...

Exciting day tomorrow! Or more correctly, Friday, when the results are in and the horse trading starts...

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