Summerhall Again

'Is it too late to say Fuck the Tories?' Dan Willson innocently enquired at the start of his set at Summerhall. Just say it anyway, shouted a wag. So he did.
So here we are again, just like 1992. Hung parliament, my arse. Up here, there was no arguing with the result. A tsunami. Hard to see my party coming back from this easily. In Edinburgh the people's party have had a reasonably activist core for years as it was never a Labour City, but I suspect the game's up for a generation over in Strathclyde. And the poor old Liberals, so long a part of the Scottish fabric and the only other pro-uk party, taken to the cleaners.
Hey, I can live with it; I don't need benefits and I have a house, unlike the young people. And a pension and a job. And a yacht. Have I mentioned that?
Anyway, cracking gig! And a goodly crew of blippers. Insto! JSitting! Middlemanperson! Jaybroek! PrincessDW! And jeelycat too. No wonder they ran out of draught. In a place with a brewery??

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