The Perkins Family

By Limpet28

Batons at the ready...

My dad is the current Moderator of the Society of High Constables of the City of Perth, whose main duties nowadays are parading on civic occasions at the request of the Provost and Council of Perth and Kinross - today it was the Kirking of the Council. In the past, however, they were charged with maintaining law and order in the locality - see their website for more information. Dad recently represented the Perth High Constables at a dinner on the Royal Yacht Britannia. As you can see, they dress very smartly in top hats, tail coats and white gloves and carry batons - most of which are made of wood. However, because he is the Moderator, dad's baton is bigger, covered in silver and topped off with a crown - good job they only have to march for about 10 minutes at at time! Here is a YouTube video of the Perth & District Pipe Band leading the council to St. John's Kirk, flanked by the High Constables. You can see my dad at the front of the left hand row from about 0.32-0.40 seconds.

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