
By jenfisher1


I woke up to the hostel chef singing various John Mayer songs while he laid out the breakfast. It was only 7am but I decided I may as well get up and see what Bogota was like before town was busy.

My hostel (and almost every Bogota hostel) is in the La Candelaria historic district, which it turns out is the home of almost every museum Bogota has to offer. The vibe in town was very different to places in Ecuador/Peru, it felt muuuch more modern. It turns out that the people are also incredibly nice, as I found out when during my trip to Museo del Oro (the gold museum), a girl from Colombia insisted she give me tips on travelling in Bogota and Cali and restaurant suggestions for lunch. Later on I wandered around Plaza Bolivar and the historic district for the rest of the afternoon and finished a good day with 25p noodles and some tomato soup for dinner.

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