The Lighted Life

By Giacomo

Lord Beardsley

When you do not know what to blip, blip a flower, bee, sunset, wife....beard.

Grand Old Days festival. 250,000 people spread out over 2.5 miles of Grand Avenue. Just envision 35 bands, countless kegs of beer, 250 port-a-potties (do the math), 100 police officers (do the math, again) and one amazing beard. I would have loved to have asked him his name, but we were both in front of a music speaker and my ears are completely shattered.

It was my dear wife's birthday today so I ventured not near the computer. I had three or four conference calls but we spent most of the day gardening and taking the girls to swim. We had guests this evening to celebrate her, yet again. 29th birthday and I made Pollo al Mottone (chicken cooked with rosemary and sage under a hot brick in the outdoor grill) and pasta with oven roasted vegetables. At the end of the evening, there was not one bite of food or one sip of wine to be had. Always a good sign when you are the chef and sommelier.

I tried to do a portrait of her this evening but she said NOT! Yet, I carry her image in my heart and in my mind every moment of my days.

I apologize for my absence from blip today and I also will be AWOL for the next few days. My simple life has become quite complex in the last 72 hours. As my Dad used to say, "life gets in the way of fun every time you turn around". But, I want to thank you for the incredible way you lift my spirit daily.

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