
There was a short time this morning when I thought I was going out for a BIG walk with The Boss. It was about the time that he was shooting this. The Sun was shining and all looked good.
Then it rained. 

He had a Grrreat day and worked on the Christmas holiday images for the book and I generally lazed about the place and got under foot. That is a very well established K9 practise and the people you are getting under are supposed to take you out, give you cuddles, play with you or feed you by way of compensation. 
My footie did get a work out for a bit but after The Boss had chucked it in couple of erroneous  directions and got “The Look” from The Bossess we gave up and I practised my interior decorating instead. 

The Boss found this really great jazzy picture of a Wheaten that was on a bag in San Francisco and carefully photoshopped it and printed it and replaced the old one that was on my dog door this afternoon as a cheery surprise for The Bossess. 

And so ended Wednesday.


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