Winter's Breath

Things are getting chilly. The weather in the North has been awful but here in Wanaka it has rained a lot and snowed a bit on the tops but generally nothing too serious has happened.

Blat time came after The Boss’s lunch, loving made for him by him and creatively placed on a small plate that got popped in an almost impossible place for me to reach (NOT that I would dare attempt anything…
especially if he is looking but …..) so I retired to my rug in his studio just incase something fell off the plate and he needed a mouth hand to recover it.

Grrreat walk, one of my favourites… Errr pretty well all of them are my favourites…along the outlet road and back thru the “sticky Forest” (it’s full of pine trees that have sappy trunks) thru the Peninsula Bay development and Bark to Suzz. At the car Max ran up to say hullo. Max is much bigger than me as he is a German Shepard but we have been friends since I was but a pup. Max speaks German..YES he does. His Boss talks to him in German and I guess he does what he is told.  I can’t actually confirm this because…because…well just because.  

I would have liked to play but The Boss had half of my car harness on which did cause a tiny bit of confusion. I am easily conf………

The image is Mount Roy and at this time I would expect the sno to go but I could be wrong.  Winter’s breath and all that.


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