All But.....

New Word today…Stickatition.

When we arrived at my favourite spot today there was action.
I love action…It’s like a magnet and there was this SSD  (stupid Small Dog) 
and it’s Boss was throwing this stick into the lake and the SSD had NO IDEA what to do about it so was sitting there barking. 
This is a situation where formal invitations are not necessary so in I went, swam to the stick, got it and swam bark to the SSD barking still.
So it’s Boss, who seemed quite pleased with this outcome chucked it even further and so please repeat as above.
He then got two sticks and chucked one for me as far as he could chuck  and another for the SSD just close in  BUT a fraction of a second after I was locked loaded and launched  and to his delight it worked and I retrieved and got a “Good Boy” which was corrected by The Boss and the SSD got his one too mainly ‘Cos I didn’t have time to swim bark and grab it as well.
He seemed surprised with my sex. How is it that dogs are all supposed to be Boys? 
WE have another image tonight. Titled “Junior on the job” The Boss spotted this and thought it rather fun. Wadderuthink?  Yes it was cropped like mad.

OH and I am delighted that I can rate almost better that “THAT Tree”.
As I should. 
I am a living work
The Tree is ...well...a tree.
Thank you. 
Barks all round… 


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