Colour Flash (The Bossess's Choice)

The Bossess had a day off today and we all headed over the hill to Arrowtown.
It was a spectacular day, The sun shone, the wind didn’t…Blow that is…and the town was only marginally busy with tourists including some dogs. This area is blessed with miles …ER….Kilometres of walking and cycling tracks and there are always people walking and cycling often complete with dogs. I heard a new command today…”Wrong Bike” that a bloke was yelling at his dog who was faithfully confused about which one to follow and was heading the wrong way as well.
Arrowtown is famous for colour and we were surprised to see lots still happening here and todays entry is The Bossess’s choice of what was clunked at.
Off to watch a movie so barking is currently postponed.
Bigger Flash

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