Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Grey's Court..

.. Not that one would guess it from this image.

We undertook a pleasant visit to a lovely National Trust property.

It was sunny and chilly by turns. This is (another) back blip.

In the car park I saw a shiny penny lying on the ground. I did pick it up (despite the point of my story). I find it hard to let go of the belief (thanks Mum) that money is important and we should value it enough to pick it up, even if it seems of little worth.

The salient part of my tale involves a recent event with a young family member. (Thank goodness the incident did not exactly happen 'on my watch')... The said little chap arrived before us, looking somewhat dishevelled and distinctly agitated.
'I've done something very bad', he announced.
Ten minutes of gentle persuasion from a very patient Mum and, the confession was 'out'.
Unlike the 20p coin he had swallowed, which was definitely 'in'.

I won't go into the experiences at the Accident and Emergency Department. Suffice it to say they considered an x-ray to have confirmed that he'd made up the story and swallowed nothing.
The 20p did, of course, eventually 'reappear'.
(As it would. He's a very honest little boy).
Aforementioned patient Mum did not send evidence to errant A & E Dept!

But at least it has made me think twice about where a coin in the street (or anywhere) might have been.
 ...Before I pick it up :-)

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