Burst Balloon

I really am
Not one to rant
I'm all about live and let live
But after today
I have say
Given the chance
Both barrels I'd give
Nutter drivers
With zero patience
From a truck to a family saloon
I hope one day they get a fright
Not hurt just burst their balloon

The road I drive on to get too and from my new work is a very dangerous road. Only a week ago 2 people died in separate accidents while driving down it. The road is one lane each way, very curvy and prone to the odd slow moving tractor which in turn makes it prone to the all too often (please excuse my language) complete arsehole in a red Honda Civic. The driver had no patience and proceeded to pass anyone and everyone at high speed, on corners, on blind hills and even on straight bits of road till he/she was free of traffic and sped off into the distance. Now I'm no angel in the car, I sometimes speed and have been caught for it 3 times but lucky only fined once in SA but I would like to think that I'm a safe driver and have at no point put anyone in danger or ever will! Some people really do take seriously dangerous chances. It's not often its them that get hurt, it's the innocents not expecting it that usually come off the worse.

So first day done. I had three clients to see, none of which turned up. Ah well. I have 30 booked in for wed/thurs/fri next week, hopefully at least some of them will come in...

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