Lucky Me!!

I'm not sure which blipper it was who spilled the beans, but thanks to those of you who were in on it and came by to wish me happy birthday yesterday.  We decided it was a good day to really take it easy after the fantastic and frenetic few days last week.

I have to let you in on a secret.  I absolutely love roses and one day I hope we have a little cottage where I can plant a few of our own.  But lucky me, in the meantime, my wonderful friend spoilt me rotten yesterday with these glorious pink roses.  They are an absolute picture and make me smile every time I look at them.

It would have been my Dad's birthday today and Georgie Wall would have turned 93 if he was still alive.  Dad used to grow the most magnificent roses all through his life, in fact he would regularly exhibit his blooms in the rose shows in Western Australia.  We only had a small suburban block in Wembley when we were growing up, but just about every square inch was covered in rose bushes.  I think in the end the other rose growers were hoping Dad wouldn't enter the shows because he always seemed to take of the "Champion Rose" and the 12 Distinct Blooms.  The Peace Rose was his favourite and I think that was probably because he had been through the horrors of World War II in his capacity as a Lancaster Pilot.  Happy Birthday Dad wherever you are.

If you want to brighten your day today, just wander over to the maymacromayhem page and take a leisurely stroll through the incredibly inspiring images that have been posted so far.  

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