Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

The Littlest Things...

It had to be a macro day today ... the day broke warm and quickly progressed to hot, a perfect day for insects.  So, after a bit of a macro safari around the yard, I decided to head to Kittatinny for a proper walk, macro lens in hand.  It's fascinating what you see when you start looking for insects ... I found several interesting beetle nymphs, and an amazing spider that flattened itself along a stem, becoming pretty much invisible (and impossible to photograph).  There were a surprising number of birds singing, considering the heat, and I enjoyed the songs of vireos, tanagers, orioles and warblers on my walk.  Four other macro shots from today starting HERE on FLickr.  And proud to be seen in the excellent company of MayMacroMayhem

Back home to tackle some invasive shrubs that are encroaching in my native wildflower garden.  Messy, sweaty work but it really needed to be done.  We have loads of Autumn Olive, Japanase Honeysuckle, garlic mustard and the dreaded, but beautiful, Asian Bittersweet vines.  We have so much acreage that I can't begin keep ahead of all of it, but I can carve out little places where native plants can flourish.  I have several lovely patches of wild colombine and salvia that just needed to be given a bit of room.  I'll continue to whack away at the invasives as time and energy allow.  For now, I'm headed to the shower - badly needed!

Hope you like today's little grasshopper - it was barely 1/4 inch in length, the perfect subject for the Nikkor 105.  I do love this lens even though the autofocus is a bit rangy.  It's still some lovely glass.


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