
What use does a gigantic paw paddle have, you might ask.  Well, for one, it's very useful to hold down a large chewie.

Only two days to go and I get to see my (sort of) friend Jane to get this ......this..... thing off my foot.  It's not at all sore any more, and I don't have to take pain relief, but they are still giving me anti..... antbio.....germ killers.

I do so hope my paw is healed because I want to play really badly.  BUT, I have to say, SHE and HE are playing with me - we had a great time this morning.  They wanted to go out, and I didn't want them to go, so I raced round and round the front room, and they did chase me, and they couldn't catch me, and they were both panting a lot.

So I did take pity on them and let HER pick me up.  She was laughing so they couldn't have been all THAT cross with me. 

It's good exercise for them, so there.

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