A lovely sunny day.
Only after lunch I walked through the garden, looking for a picture.
There are the newly open roses, these are beautiful with the purple clematis flowers.
The ferns that unfold, beautiful too.
Climbing up again, I see, (new here) a fox glove plant, and the honeysuckle will have flowers soon.
The abundance of beetles from yesterday have disappeared, only one still there.
But then I see a glowing insect on a tiny blue flower (ereprijs in dutch, speedwell in English I learned here). With my macro lens I can take pictures, fair enough. After some times I think I better try my extension tube set, although without a tripod that can be tricky.
After some pictures taken, I realise that there not only one insect, but there is a pair, glued together, and both they make the most beautiful love pair I have ever seen. Don’t ask me if I have seen many. No I haven’t, but it made me envious. Their Zen-like concentration so superb, hardly possible for humans I thought, there and then.
But even for insects this does not last until eternity. Suddenly one of them disappeared, and the other went hiding under a leaf, but soon enough appeared again, and drank or eat from the blue flower, till suddenly they both fell on the ground. The flower and the insect.
The insect flew around for a while and landed then on my hand and I walked with her/him to Piet Hein showing this unknown beauty.
I went through my guide-book, twice. Piet Hein once too. I am still unsure of their name.
My haiku:
Don’t tell us your secret
It must stay hidden forever
Discover it yourself
And the proverb:
Love withoud end hath no end
1625  Fr. Bacon,  Apoph.

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