Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Now THAT'S a proper sporran!

A bit of avoidance tactics this morning, but as it wasn't raining, I took a whirl downtown rather than fill in that 20 page pension form that awaits...

Had a wander up the High Street and down by Ramsay Gardens. Can there be a street in Edinburgh that does not have barriers, yellow cones or scaffolding?

The wee cobbled street down to the Mound from Ramsay Gardens was fenced off to traffic (those residents in Ramsay Gardens put up with a lot). Huge cardboard packages lay all down the road, and I thought that they were going to replace the setts (cobbles) which would take forever, so not exactly a good time to start digging up on one of the most picturesque streets for tourists.

But no, the huge 'parcels' were in semi-circular shapes, and I realised that they were piecing together a huge Olympic Rings. Hope they don't have a bit left over when they think they've finished.

Passed by this piper, and noted his proper sporran. After yesterday's effort with the Missoni lads causing a stir with traditionalists, I thought I'd better rectify the situation. I only had a £5 note, so I didn't give him any money for taking his photo, but if I'd been sitting at the outdoor cafe directly below him over the wall, I'd've given him £5 to stop! (I do love pipe bands though!)

I popped in you-know-where for a sit down, a coffee, a muffin and use of an iPad.

Sometimes when I'm down town, I hardly hear English spoken. I love it that people from all over the world come to see our (rather scruffy at the moment) city.

Mind you, sometimes I'm wondering what language it is, and it turns out to be Sco''ish! (don't pronounce the t s)

Nothing for it now - unless I do some housework... Where is that 20 page pensions form...

List of annoying things (contd)

Someone shouting on the phone just behind you on the bus in Chinese!

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