Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

... A Tiger in the yard!

Okay, a slight exaggeration - it is actually an Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (Pappilio glaucus) that was nectaring on my pincushion plant on the patio this morning. Yes, guess it is official that the Bifulco Butterfly Bistro is now open serving three meals a day! The only slight downside of the BBB is that it is right next door to the Birdie Buffet, and some of the birdies probably eat butterflies. Well, what's a gal to do? I was happy to see that none of the birds were paying this beauty (a female, I think) any mind. Anyway, it's the first tiger I've seen this year and I had to blip her. She must be fairly freshly emerged because her wings are in perfect condition and her colors are brilliant.

While I was enjoying my tea this morning, my friend Herr RBW stopped in to load up on suet, no doubt for the brood. He is now quite tolerant of me and Big Daddy, about 10 feet away.

After attending to some business in the office, I decided to head over to the park to see if I could spot some birds or dragons 0r butterflies. Didn't have much luck with birds other than this pissed off mama red-winged blackbird, but I spotted a rare hairy-bottomed fly and a titillated fritillary who was so thrilled to see me that he jumped in the air! I also had a stare down with a dot tailed whiteface. Note to self: don't have a stare down with something with eyes that don't blink.

I got home just ahead of a thunder storm that is now crashing down outside. I am safely tucked away inside - yay, me.

Thanks for the comments, stars, hearts on my dastardly dragonfly - I wasn't sure if he was too gruesome for Blip, but you were all very good sports about the insect savagery! Wait... should that concern me?

Happy Thursday, blippers!

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