Eat, smoke, love, meow.

By Meowsers

Off the Beaten Track.

Today is the first day of house/cat-sitting that me and Bexo are completing for my parents. They have jetted off to Barcelona and I have a week off from my new job in order to be here.

Yes, you heard right, my new job. I AM A MCDONALDS EMPLOYEE. I am so happy, melodramatic maybe  you may think, but blimey I am so grateful to have an official job and a soon to be pay cheque.

Anyway. This is the first photo from the first day of mine and Bex's freedom/country holiday. (even though it's literally me and her at my parents house which up until last year was my full time residence so it's hardly as if it should be exciting. But the trampoline's up and we have over 100 quid and some ganja. We're happy. I'll be going to collect more weed tomorrow I should think. 

I haven't blipped in a long time I know. I have come to terms with my irregularity. I fear it'll be even fewer and further between come the next few months due tp working now, thank god education is over, hello to the 'would you like fries with that? Mayo or Salsa on your chicken legend?' and the 'that'll be £7.49 please'

Mum's left us loads of food, so we shouldnt have to worry about being fat as I probably carry around on my weight enough food to feed the hungry in africa never mind actually eating. If my body ate itself for as long as it could sustain it would be 3 years before I was skinny. Damn temptations.

Anyway, better go. More Chardonnay to swallow. Peace and love to all my regulars, I really do love you you know.

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