bucks life

By bucksmiss


Work was quiet but productive.

After some shopping for veggies and fruit for the week's juices, I arrived home at the same time as L in his new snazzy midnight blue Porsche 911, so we immediately headed out in it to celebrate at the newly refurbished pub that's just re-opened on the canal outside the village (the Navigation for those local to me).

The car was gorgeous and the pub was too. Very impressive. I had my first ever job there as a serving wench in 1985 and it's never really improved since then. Now though, it's been brought bang up to date. Quite coincidentally, it's another one in the chain I keep seeming to come across (Oakman Inns). The menu is the same in all of them but as the decor, food and service are excellent, I'm not complaining.

We sat out on the balcony overlooking the canal. As the weather is rather nice today it really was a lovely, relaxing evening and we even came across a barge dweller that L knew who joined us for a drink. I've booked to bring friends here at the weekend too.

I'm feeling nicely tired so will watch some rubbish telly before having a nice early night.

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