Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

The tool shed

I like sheds.    Today I decided to do one of those photo exercises where you pick something and take lots of pictures from all sides, angles and distances etc, and try to come up with something halfway interesting..   So have 75 photos of the tool shed most of which will get tossed…This was the first thing built on this property in 1992 so the builders had a place to put their stuff while building the cabin.   Well, actually, H and I built a metal storage shed first but a tree fell on it and crushed it so there is a new shed in it’s place now.   One can build an 8x10 structure without a permit so there are lots on the island- I have a collection of them, all different....  I picked this because it shows how it’s nestled in it’s surroundings.…it was hard to get around 4 sides actually there is so much growth.    I tried black and white but like the little bits of color.  There are lots of tools and treasure inside, NOT in very good order, as well as the water treatment system that treats the water from the well.  The extra is a photo of part of the opposite side.

Not so hot today.  A row for EXERCISE and beauty, some trail WORK, cutting that green stuff away so the trail doesn’t disappear altogether, some more clean up in the studio -part of a week’s (slow)project, and a nap (with a book).   LEARN a little bit more about Lightroom, and PLAY with the camera.   Makes a very fine day!   and now I have to go use some more of those garlic worms.  Thanks for the recipe suggestions, I do appreciate them!

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