stuff & nonsense

By sleepyhead

The Three Graces

The three Blip Graces. Friendship, Encouragement and Inspiration.

I love red balloon days because it gives me the perfect opportunity to pause, take stock and say thanks to you for the plentiful supply of all three of these virtues. I'll never tire of saying this. Blipland is a wonderful place, full of lovely, genuine people and for everyone who has graced my journal I just want to say once again, thanks so much. It means the world!

Updates of the faceless Mega Corporations

It's a red letter day for more than one reason though. For now, this will be my final update on the Mega Corporations. Santander have finally added my lens to the specified items on my insurance policy. Huzzah! After describing the situation as a series of "Chinese whispers" Scott, one of their complaints managers explained that there had been an issue with some customer policy updates when a new payments module had been applied to their system. This however, had been resolved months ago and I should have received a call to add the items. As a result of not taking a proper note of the items to be added and a failure to properly record the previous correspondence on my account that I was to be contacted this had not been done. Anyway, after four and a half months it's been resolved.

In other news...

Canon sent me notification of a new release. The EOS 650D will be their first dSLR that comes with touchscreen LCD technology. Given my ability to stick greasy noseprints all over my LCD panel, I'm not sure how this is going to work out. Coming in at £700 for the body, it also comes with a APS-C hybrid CMOS sensor based on their faster DIGIC 5 processor (the 600D and 60D are based on the DIGIC 4 processor). *Sigh* isn't technology wonderful! Don't panic, I have absolutely no intention of buying one. No, honestly! No, no. Really! Wolf!!! :- )

It's the weekend. Hope you all have a great one. Back after tea to catch up with your days!

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