We're here because we're here

A bunch of 'stuff' in a tray on the window ledge. Some herbs, some 'stuff'. Rol - who knows about this kind of thing says that there are weeds here. But weeds are only things that are where they shouldn't be. Who is to say what belongs where? We think that whatever is living in this tray on our window ledge is lovely and should be commended for surviving there. All we do is say hello to it now and again.

Having a bit of a creative come-down from this past week of playing - with my music (singing and uke) and photography (the photo shoot yesterday) and having the privilege of sharing the lovely space of Vince Laws home and garden. I've got an idea for a photo project around that. Also had some wonderful feedback from the Autograph Violin Art Trail and concert.

Just listened to Radio Ethiopia by Patti Smith.

Feeling a bit all over the place. But in a good way. I think ....

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