Some Light In The Gloom

We had heavy rain all night and on my way to my hydrotherapy class I noticed a number of street were flooded. We didn't get any snow in the city .. sadly, as it would have been good to get a few snow shots.

After class I noticed there was a unusual light over towards the sea. I took a drive home past New Brighton and had a stroll along the beach. It was so calm and you could see the sun working hard at showing its face. Which you can see in the first extra shot.

Over night my headache got really bad and kept waking me up. Because I came home a different way I remembered the Physiotherapist I use to go to for my knee. He also specialises in headaches, so I call in in the off chance he could take me .. and he could. My neck got a good workout and I am feeling so much better. The headache is still there but not as bad.

The day was rather gloomy with some sun managing to show her face for a while.

Gloomy Days
I love gloomy days
Because without the sun
To tell us when it's noon,
Dusk or dawn,
The day blends into one
Long continuum
Where any time of the day
Could be any other
And humanity gets a taste
Of the infinite.
By Laura Mihaela

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