Simply Me

By Suze981

Softer ground

Two steps forward and only one step back this time, that's progress right?

I tried running again today after my dismal experience on Saturday. It didn't go so well. My legs again felt like lead, I had pain in my left shin and my right calf felt so hard and tight - it was a tad painful.

My calf has been feeling increasingly tighter with every run recently. I've been using my foam roller every time I go out to try and limber it up a bit. But I think it needs a bit more TLC.

I'm not really supposed to go on uneven ground - completely flat footed and ankle hypermobility don't make a great combination. But the concrete on the promenade tonight wasn't helping, so I went down onto the wetter, more compacted, more stable sand instead. It felt a bit better.

Surprisingly I don't feel down about it this time. I must be learning - this is just what happens - I'm used to it now. This is what recovery looks like sometimes.

So I capped my run at 2 miles. I'm too busy at work to run again now until Friday, so I'll take a rest, use the foam roller daily and look up deep conditioning stretches. Hopefully that'll do the trick, if not I've got a massage booked with Sarah in a couple of weeks - that'll sort me out!

Running recovery mileage (From 15 March)
Today's run: 2 miles
Total mileage: 120.5 miles

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