Simply Me

By Suze981

NHS love

I've been at the NHS Scotland conference all day today, getting up at 5am to get across to the SECC to set up our stand.

It's been a good day, it went like a flash so that's a good sign. The drive back however didn't, I've been stuck in the car trying to get back into Edinburgh in rush hour traffic.

I didn't take many photos, but I did have a good chat with the blood donation truck who gave me this fab chocolate lolly (photo taken from behind our stand). Of course I can't eat it on my diet, but the thought was nice. I can't give blood, I have circulatory issues which prevent me from being able to, but it's not from lack of trying!

In other news, I'm picking up my folks from the airport later - they've been away on the Italian Job Crumball Rally all week. They should have some interesting stories to tell!

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