Rural Road

Dougs birthday today.....I cooked him bacon, eggs and mushrooms for breakfast, then we had some surveying on the section to do. Two lots of visitors filled in a few hours, then at around 2pm still hadn't had any lunch. Decided to head to Geraldine and a favourite cafe of Verde.....very nice.

A wee drive after to Peel Forest area exploring the back roads, we were even amongst the snow at one point. This is taken just before the sun disappeared for the day, and within 20min after this was taken the clouds were turned to an awesome aray of glorious pinks and peaches.

It's worth a look in large.

I think we will flag tea tonight after having such a late lunch.

I'm now about to make an AV to show tomorrow night. Our photography club is having a members night, which gives members an opportunity to show their work. The club is putting on pizza's for tea.


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