Simply Me

By Suze981

A paddling?

Apparently a group of ducks can be called a flock while they are in flight or a paddling while they are on water. I'm not sure this qualifies as flying, so I'm going for a paddling of ducks!

This is the annual Stockbridge Duck Race. Those of you with good memories will know that I've been before - almost 2 years ago now.

I didn't manage to get a duck yesterday, but they released the last 60 at midday today and I signed up for those notoriously lucky numbers 1262 and 1263!

I managed to get a fab spot this year at the start, but that means that I couldn't get to the finish line. Let's keep our fingers crossed that we're a winner!

In other news, I also got a free massage being a model at massage school this morning, ate my favourite food - gyoza - at the Stockbridge Market and walked for about 3 hours in rain, wind and sunshine! Not a bad Sunday at all really!

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