Mono Monday - Lines

We have some demolition going on at work.  They are pulling down some of our 'surplus' classrooms.  The area is fully fenced off.  This shows the view along the veranda.  The 'lines' of the fence 'protecting' the rubbish that is being taken out of the rooms.

We are actually very fortunate that the job is being done in a respectful manner - with everything salvageable being recycled rather than ripped apart and dumped.  

It has been an interesting night tonight.  I went to an awards ceremony in Nelson where one of our students was receiving a reward for her voluntary work.  One of the entities being celebrated tonight was "The Butterfly Project" which supports bereaved parents.  When they started talking about it, it was a bit much for me and I had to leave the room for a few minutes

When I came back in the lad sitting in front of me had removed his sweatshirt and had a tshirt on with Blazek printed across the back.  Now I know that this was his surname but my Blaze was/is of course BlazeJ.  

A message in there somewhere.  I spent the rest of the ceremony trying to decide what the message was.  K coming after J, maybe that's telling me something.  Or maybe it's not! 

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