Cardinal at the new feeder

Mr Cardinal seems happy to see a new feeder where he can easily access the bird seed.  Lots of Tit Mice at the feeder today including this guy.  Early in the morning and again the in evening the House Finch come to the feeder.

Last night we went outside in the hope of seeing the 'star' created by Venus & Jupiter but due to the overcast sky, we were out of luck. :(  But because it was a full moon, I had to take a picture through the trees.

As ever, there were cats out there in the dark with me last night and as I had the camera on the tripod I decided to play with it and attempted a cat photo in the dark!  Here is Spirit!

Tomorrow the day will be spent going to Raleigh to do my 3 month check up regarding the "Real World Study" I am taking part in for the MS medication Plegridy.

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