The weather was dry for most of the day but it was very dark and overcast and it looked like it would rain at any minute.  In the end we only had about half an hour of rain this evening.

This afternoon I had an appointment at the vets for Tino's yearly booster jab.  I bought this buggy a couple of years ago and the top part is removable.  It " lives " on the landing and Tino often goes in there for a nap.  However as soon as I fixed it to the wheel part he knew something was up and hid under a chair.  Managed to get him out and shove him into the buggy. He started crying and howling and he kept up this noise all the way to the vets.  I always get a lot of amused looks when I'm pushing the buggy and people often stop to chat.  I took a short cut through the park to get away from the traffic noise.

Tino was OK when he was seeing the vet lady. (  She uses his  Sunday Best  name - Valentino. ) A bit of growling but that was all.  He is a strong lad and it took both of us to hold him steady.  The vet weighed him and his weight is 7.4kg which is 16.3 pounds.  He's a big lad.

Back home via the park again.  Took a few photos.  I have used a close up as my extra shot.  Stayed in for a while until Tino was settled and then I was out again to go to the Post Office and Co-op.  

Steps today - 10,969

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