Stocking Up

We orienteered around Elland in a street race today, planned by Black Tulip's brother!  I made a couple of daft errors, having headed away from no.5 to no.9 instead of no.6 and then compounded this by mis counting my junctions and having to do a time-eating circuit of part of the housing estate.  Errors like that drop you positions by the second and I would have probably been in the top 5 instead of 10th, but the women above me got it right and I didn't, and that's the sport.  

On return home I mowed the grass and then did a bit of knitting in the sunshine before cracking on with the tea, just as well as the weather began to change (we have a great view of the weather arriving from our kitchen) and minutes later hailstones were bouncing through the door!  We are certainly having bonkers weather this week, as I type I look out of the living room window and it's lovely clouds and blue sky across the village with evening light falling on the houses below us.  

I've chosen this blip, taken between knitting and making tea, because it's quirky - blackbird and sparrow stocking up on fat bits from the feeder table.  Comical legs I thought!

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