Quiet morning where I didn't do much.  I made some breakfast muffins which I ate with yogurt and fruit.

Got the bus into Newcastle at 1.30pm.  Headed for the Central Station - as seen in my blip shot.  This was the meeting point for another walking tour organised by the City Guides. This one was entitled " Summerhill Sunday ".  We walked over to the West end of the city.  Summerhill Square is an open space tucked away from the main streets. We saw a lovely building which used to be a Priory.  We saw where Robert Stephenson once lived. He has been described  as the greatest engineer of the 19th century.  We also saw the house where the MP Mo Mowlan lived when she was a lecturer at Newcastle University.

We saw  Summerhill Bowling Club where W G Grace ( the famous cricketer ) once played bowls. He had founded the English Bowling Association in 1903 and became its first president.  He helped found an international competition with Scotland, Ireland and Wales and captained England.

It was a very interesting tour and I saw a part of Newcastle which I was unfamiliar with. There were 4 guides today with around 11 or 12 members of the public in each group.  These walks are always very popular.

The weather was very pleasant for walking.  Warm but not too hot.  Later on in the evening - around 7pm - we had heavy rain with thunder and lightning.  Neil was on his way here after finishing work and he got caught in the storm.  Not that he was bothered.  As long as there was steak and chips waiting for him when he got here he was fine.

Steps today -  10.958

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