Simply Me

By Suze981

Three months

Well it's the 7th July. Three months ago, I decided that I would cut out all sweet treats. I was getting out of control and eating so much junk. Three months are now over bringing us to today.

There were no rules to my 'diet' except one - if it felt like a treat to me, I couldn't have it. I basically cut out all sugar, except fruit and yoghurt. I've been running throughout, as usual, and I'll admit that the rest of my meals have been healthier too.

It's been easier than I thought and I'm feeling so much better for it. My clothes are less tight, I look and feel thinner when I look in the mirror, I have more energy, I'm sleeping through the night (a big thing for me) and I have lost weight. I've been quite demoralised as my scales said that I hadn't lost anything since starting my diet, but today I discovered I had - it was just my dodgy uneven floor. On proper flooring, I've actually lost just under half a stone.

So today i'd planned to go and visit the Wild West in Edinburgh (pictured) - a street in Morningside with a facade made to look like the Wild West - and blip myself there eating a celebratory ice cream. The Wild West looks good but it was staggeringly uninspiring, if you're thinking of going, I really wouldn't bother making a special trip for it unless you're in the area.

Interestingly though I didn't feel like the celebratory ice cream - I wasn't hungry and it felt like a waste. A treat should be just that - perhaps I'll have one later...

Running recovery mileage (From 15 March)
Today's run: 2.5 miles
Total mileage: 141 miles

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