Mr Tbay.

Mr Tbay has been busy in the garden trying to bring it round again to some semblance of order ahead of the wedding. In the evening light it looks to be very untidy, but it's not really too bad. Another day at it and it will look lovely again.

In addition to gardening he attended a training session for The Farm Community Network for which he is a volunteer case worker. The Aim is to provide help and support within the farming and rural community to people who are basically at the end of their tether for what ever reason. FCN try to help them put their lives back together again. Support lasts for as long as they need it. Sadly farming as it is today there are many though out the country who need their support.

I had an urgent desire to rearrange some of my kitchen cupboards! Results were good , and I have thrown out lots of unseless items!! This afternoon was pottering in the garden.

Farming - two on compost hauling and Rusty out helping another contractor.

So another busy days draws to a close! Sit down time I think! Still catching up, I think!

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