
By Cazzlebrook

Cracked it!

      Finn today managed to crack riding his bike......a big achievement for any child (especially a boy I think). He's been going out onto the balcony and scooting about his bike for the past week and this evening, he got it :-) Our balcony is made up of concrete paving slabs which move about under foot so not the most steady of surfaces at the best of times let alone on a bike with no stabilers!..... Possibly a good thing as he knew if he fell off that it was going to hurt! You have to be cruel to be kind sometimes as a parent.
      I am at present editing some photographs of a rock band and having a play with some 'retro' filters, this warm light leak works really well on this one and emulates those heady days of summer, perhaps I was reminded of the first moment I myself managed to ride my bike along the back lane where we lived, when not that much older than Finn and the film my folks might have used to record the moment.

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