If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Bridge at Launchy Gill

Clickychick was up early and out walking Ash with our friend.  I as usual on a Sunday was still asleep.  When I got up I found ti was raining so no hope of clearing up the garden after the "Pruning  While deciding what would be the best use of the day we felt going to the garden centre and buying what we needed for the major part of the garden alterations would be best.

We were wrong!  When we arrived at the garden centre they had sold out.  So making the best of a bad lot we came back by way of the "backside" of Thirlmere.  By that I mean the less used western bank.   We find Launcy Gill a good place to stop as it is one of the few parking places where you aren't expected to pay.  I don't mind National Trust car parks we are members but being held to ransom by United Utiilities annoys me a little..

This shot is of the bridge taking the Armboth path over Launchy Gill.  The same bridge from a different view as I had in this shot.

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