During the night, I do not know at what time, we saw the lightening and heard the thunder. It stayed away from us, as it often does,
After that interruption I had a lot of dreams, I suppose, although I only remembered the last one.
Storm for the afternoon was forecasted, so we drove to the supermarket, as we saw so many other persons did, and bought the food for the weekend and beyond.
The storm came and still is here, but at some point the sun came out and I almost expected the weather would change in a good way.
On the couches Piet Hein and I both had a short nap.
And Mischa called for a minute to announce all was well with her and perhaps she could phone us tonight for a longer talk.
In The Hague it had stormed during the night too and there had been lightening and thunder too.

My haiku:

The branches wave frantically
Did we wave back?

And the proverb:

As welcome as a storm.

1597  Deloney, Gentle Craft

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