Jane's window sill!

Spent the afternoon and evening over at Jane's studio...figuring out how we will display our work and what has to be moved etc., the few days before a show are always a bit daunting and stressful....so many facets to be attended to!   we're both pretty excited about this upcoming show together...and for me it's a bit different cos i've never showed or sold my paintings...they are just something i do for me, for the exploration etc!  so when Jane started putting mats on them i was quite astonished..they didn't look too bad at all!   there isn't the same worry as there was many many years ago about putting my work on display...i love that aspect of getting older...not so concerned with what others think....if i sell one then great - if i don't no bit issue!  i won't be loosing any sleep over it. 

i'll have lots of pots to sell so i think it'll be just fine...and i think it'll be great fun.

after our long afternoon and evening working away we went off to the fabulous Lobster Galley for dinner...mmmmm great fish and chips and glass of wine and we got the other stuff sorted out!

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