Jax and co.

By indusriver

forget the image - remember the day

It goes without saying that this is not an image worthy of blipfoto but please allow me this photo quality digression (and not because it is the only photo I took today) but because it captures Sienna's first every swim lesson.

Probably not remarkable for many parents but it has been a long and slightly tricky path getting here. Growing up with water all around, swimming has been a major part of my life for such a long time. My eldest two kids have done years at swim club (which means I have done years at poolside) and since their father (my ex-husband) is race director for the open water swim at the Olympics and swims the channel for fun, I sort of have more than the average person's exposure to swimming.

Then Sienna was born in a birthing pool and even had the caul over her head (which is meant to protect sailors at sea from being drowned !) so with all of the above I just assumed that swimming was going to be one of those things that she would enjoy with me.

Apparently not! Right from the start she hated getting wet, water in her eyes, the splashing, the noise. Eventually I got her 'swimming' in the pool and while she would kick around in her floaty vest, she refused to play or try anything I suggested. So we left it for a time.

Then last week she went swimming again under her own suggestion and today she joined a swimming lesson. It was wonderful watching her.

At the end the teacher asked to jump into the pool (without any floatation device on) where she would catch then. Something that Sienna has never ever done. I waited to see what she would do...

I watched her brace herself, tighten up her mouth in concentration and make that decision to jump, going completely under the water. The joy and her pride in achieving this is one of my most wonderful moments ever being a Mother.

Worthy of a blip I feel indeed!

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